Ben Hanna

Software Craftsman and Game Programming Enthusiast

Building a Backbone.js project with Webpack

  • Mon 21 May 2018
  • Blog

Have you ever wanted to write Backbone.js in the same module format as Node.js? Well here's how you can do it with webpack.

In short webpack allows you to write browser JavaScript using the CommonJS module format. The main benefit to this is that webpack will bundle all your modules together in a single file so that you don't need to manually manage <script> tags. And on top of that you can require NPM packages as you would in a Node.js application.

Create the project

Starting from scratch let's first create a new folder and initialize npm.

mkdir my-backbone-app
cd my-backbone-app
npm init

Next let's install backbone and it's dependencies, which are jquery and underscore.

npm install --save backbone jquery underscore

We're going to use the following folder structure.

  • src - This is where we'll put all our JavaScript.
  • public - This where we'll put any static files (index.html, assets).

Install and configure Webpack

We'll install webpack along with webpack-dev-server. The latter allows you to run a local web server that will also watch your source files for changes.

npm install --save webpack webpack-cli
npm install --save-dev webpack-dev-server

Now let's setup a basic configuration in webpack.config.js.

const { resolve } = require('path');

const PUBLIC_PATH = resolve(__dirname, 'public');
const SRC_PATH = resolve(__dirname, 'src');

module.exports = {
  entry: `${SRC_PATH}/index.js`,
  output: {
    filename: 'bundle.js',
    path: PUBLIC_PATH
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.(js)$/,
        exclude: /node_modules/
  devServer: {
    contentBase: PUBLIC_PATH

Create an application

Before we can load our application we need to create our shell. We'll save this file as public/index.html.

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <!-- Using the 'async' attribute will keep our script from blocking the page load. -->
    <script src="bundle.js" async></script>

Now let's scaffold out a basic use of Backbone with webpack.

First we'll create a view for our application in src/app.view.js;

// Import the Backbone module and its dependencies
var Backbone = require('backbone');

// Declare our options we'll use to extend the base view
var viewOptions = {
  el: 'body',

  initialize: function () {

  render: function () {
    this.$el.text('App Ready');

// Export our extended view
module.exports = Backbone.View.extend(viewOptions);

Now let's create our entry module that bootstraps the application at src/index.js.

// Import the Backbone module and its dependencies
var Backbone = require('backbone');

// Import our view
var AppView = require('./app.view');

// Execute after the DOM has loaded
Backbone.$(function () {
  // Create an instance of our view
  new AppView();

With all the base components stubbed out we can now start up the application.

npx webpack-dev-server

Navigate to http://localhost:8080 in a browser and you should see the message displayed.

Wrapping up

Hopefully this article gave you a good overview on how to use webpack with Backbone. If you'd like to see a slightly more involved example with routing and templates then please see my backbone-fundamentals-webpack repository.